Friday, September 21, 2012


We interrupt your irregularly scheduled stories for some facts about jam.
They were not, in fact, written with my extensive fiction-writing knowledge.
These facts were provided to you by university students who have attained, or are completing a Bachelor's Degree in prestigious Australian educational institutions.
Disclaimer: These scholars may or may not have anything to do with jam, the making of jam or any other preserves and may not, in fact, be involved in any food-type studies or activities at all. 

Second disclaimer: This blog post makes no reference to:
The Jam (a punk rock band from the 70s and early 80s)
Pearl Jam (seriously? How old are you?)
Space Jam (A movie starring Michael Jordan and the Looney Tunes characters)
Jim Jams (a.k.a pajamas/pyjamas)
Traffic/Paper jams (the bad kinds of jam)
Signal jamming
Anything else about music, basketball, pop culture, businesses, products or concepts that may include or make reference to the word 'jam'

Third disclaimer:
The views in these jam facts do not necessarily reflect the views of the writer. I am just the faithful informant for these important 'facts' about 'jam'.

Jam Fact #1 Jam was invented by Russians.

Jam Fact #2 In 2009, three perfectly preserved jars of jam were recovered from the Titanic wreckage.

Jam Fact #3 King Henry the sixth had a secret passion for creating unusual and exotic flavours of jam.

Jam Fact #4 During the Christmas period of 1988, jam sales plummeted for no apparent reason.

Jam Fact #5 It is illegal to sell jam in Uzbekistan.

Jam Fact #6 Americans refer to a jam-like substance as 'jelly'. Jelly is, in fact, a completely different type of food to the majority of the world.

Jam Fact #7 Jam in 2012 has 39.4% more sugar than jam in 1910.

Jam Fact #8 The ancient Egyptians believed jam had medicinal properties and applied it to gangrenous limbs and psoriasis.

Jam Fact #9 Jam is the most commonly sung-about commodity.

Jam Fact #10 There is little difference between jam setting sugar and castor sugar.

Jam Fact #11 Jam is usually fruit-based.

Jam Fact #12 Relish is not jam.

Jam Fact #13 Bbq sauce is not jam.

Jam Fact #14 If all the jam in the world were put into the ocean, blue-finned tuna would grow a second fin.

Jam Fact #15 The song Three Blind Mice was originally about three blind jams. However, the mice were introduced after people complained the song did not "make sense".

Jam Fact #16 In 2020, jam-making will debut as an Olympic sport.

Jam Fact #17 Jam is rarely used in biological warfare.

Jam Fact #18 Jam spelt backwards is maj

Jam Fact #19 All jams can be enhanced by the addition of garlic

Jam Fact #20 Dr Seuss ate jam on toast more frequently than green eggs and ham.

Jam Fact #21 Cordial is just diluted jam.

Jam Fact #22 The most common use of jam is as a spread on toast, fresh bread or scones.

Jam Fact #23 Jam is a rare commodity in South Korea and is priced at $24.79 per ounce.

Jam Fact #24 There were two jam-related deaths recorded in 2007.

Jam Fact #25 Captain Planet sometimes used jam to defeat enemies.

Jam Fact #26 Up to 0.004% of university students procrastinate doing important assignments by making up fake jam facts.

Jam Fact #27 Jam (and bread) are essential to the completion of the drink, Ti.

Jam Fact #28 One of jam's most important, but least-known uses, is the dissolving of early morning frost on car windows.

Jam Fact #29 The vast majority of jams come in a container regularly referred to as a 'jam jar'. This is made of glass and can be straightforward or fairly peculiar in shape.

I and the contributors of these facts hope you enjoyed the things you may or may not have known about jam.
Caution! The validity of these facts can not be confirmed. Don't use them to make yourself sound smart lest the opposite should happen.

This blog was made in jest due to some inspiration from this page. Go there for some real facts about jam (in the U.S). Or go here for Wikipedia's take on the delicious preserve
The other Wiki has this to say about jam.
Hereherehere and here are places you can buy jam online (from Australia)
This site and this one describe how you can make your very own jam.

It's almost my holidays, so look forward to a new piece of one of my stories (if you've got a preference for which one I work on, tell me on my Facebook fan page.)